Hi there, I'm so glad you're here

At age 47 I found myself divorced from a man I had been married to for 15 years. Although he had been my best friend, our relationship lacked passion. We spent 7 years of our time together sexless, and after our divorce I realized how much that had impacted my own feelings of desirability and self-worth. 

Shortly after our separation I met a woman who advertised herself as an "Orgasmic Life Coach", and although I had no idea what that meant at the time, something about her and her work felt like the right step for me. I was yearning for the ability to call any part of my life "orgasmic".

Through her guidance I was able to heal things I didn't even know needed to heal and step out of my comfort zone in a way that felt safe. Because of her support I discovered my sexy ass self again. With my newfound confidence I met and married the most amazing lover, partner and friend. And even after 8 years, we are still enjoying exploring and expanding our sexual and sensual relationship as well as our connection and intimacy.
 Through my own lived experience, I know just how powerful sex coaching can be. Sex is not just sex. It is our belief system, our religion, our shame, our trauma, but it is also our essence and our energy.  

Pre-natal, pediatric, family wellness chiropractor

Certified childbirth educator

Cohost of  "What’s Your Pleasure?" podcast

Founder of Burlington Vermont chapter of Red Tent Temple, women’s circle

VITA Certified Sex, Love and Relationship Coach

Helping women thrive has been a huge part of my life for nearly 3 decades.
I have worked supporting women in so many different stages of life. From assisting new moms through pregnancy and delivery, to helping empty-nesters transition into a new and uncertain phase. 
Becoming a sex and intimacy coach has felt like such a natural step. Not only because sex coaching so positively impacted my life, but because it feels as if I have been training for this my entire life.
I know that my mission is to lift up all women, and show them the true power they hold within themselves.
 In my chiropractic work I taught women about the wisdom and natural healing ability of their bodies. In the women’s circles I hosted I would hold sacred space for emotional expression and vulnerability, to help teach the beauty in allowing yourself to show how you feel. 
And now, in my sex coaching work, I help women access the power of their pleasure. And if you're ready, I want to help you do just that.


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Ready to explore how coaching could change your life?

 "I worked with Christine Lebiecki for several sessions and was struck by how quickly I felt 
comfortable and safe with her.  It seemed that we could go to the core of issues very quickly. She was very clear about how to access sensitive areas and did not push or invade my space, but allowed me to unfold in my own time. Establishing a safe container allowed for very deep work to be done. I felt seen, heard, and protected during the time we worked together. It was helpful for her to reflect back to me what we had covered in the previous session so that I could assimilate and integrate each session. I highly recommend Christine as an intuitive, skilled practitioner in the healing arts." 
-Mellissa age 71

"I had little to no expectations for coaching with Christine. It was really out of my comfort zone to do this.
      I felt a connection to Christine right away. She listened attentively, gave me feedback and helped me to embrace the “Divine pussy goddess” that I am. No longer will I let past religious teachings, shame or guilt lead me in relationships. And when not getting my sexual needs met, I will verbalize in a gentle way what feels good or give guidance so we can connect on a deeper level.
Her encouragement and guidance helped me to meditate, journal, and do my inner child work. In doing so, I felt the strength I needed, almost like a rebirth, to forgive myself and people and issues of my past. Realizing I had the strength all along to journey ahead with confidence and not let fear take away my power.
     I am truly grateful for the amazing energy and helpful coaching sessions that I have shared with Christine. I would highly recommend her to others."
-Janet age 64

"Working with Christine was truly such a gift, she leads with such a calm and supportive energy, I felt completely safe to open up to her almost immediately about issues embracing my own sensitivity. She is so incredibly wise and her advice is always spot-on! She helped show me the path to getting in touch with the real version of me, who is sensitive and deeply caring, and eventually be gentler with that version of myself instead of relying on my funny girl persona. No coach has led me to this before! And I've worked with a lot of coaches! Christine has such a positive, magnetic spirit and she is so generous with her time and energy! I'd recommend her to anyone."
-Jacki age 31

"The best way to describe it would be to feel like I was in a womb, I felt warmth, nurturing, her voice felt like soft whispers. I felt fully supported, like I could free fall and she was the tether. Christine's guidance was always subtle. I felt like she wanted me to really find the answer that was mine to find."  